Saturday, 27 September 2014


Recently I had a great pleasure to be invited to Omar Mansoor's SS15 fashion show where he presented his 9th collection at LFW . Models wore couture gowns inspired by Dutch exotic dancer Mata Hari, who was known for her style and free-willed attitude and her eagerness to design and perform in her bespoke wardrobe with dazzling jewels.
The collection features full size ball gowns in contrasting red, turquoise and light gold colours and knee length dresses made up of Vintage lace, crepe silks and chiffons. Omar used the old technique of hand woven crochet on selected gowns  to add a touch of the romantic glamour. Other pieces feature semi-precious stones such as turquoise and rubies encrusted with embroidery on the gowns. 
The show stopper dress decorated with hand appliqué known as Rilli (an art from ancient Sindhi civilization) is produced by ‘Inaaya’ with help of female artisans of rural Sindh.
By combining classic couture crafting techniques along modern silhouettes, Omar creates an elegant look for a woman, who symbolizes the confidence, merriment and splendour. I could definitely see myself wearing one!
Omar Mansoor

Friday, 26 September 2014


London Fashion Week madness has finally begun -again! Every 6 months Somerset House turns into a massive catwalk not only with the amazing fashion shows taking over the courtyard but with thousands of fashion lovers photographers designers and wannabes showcasing some interesting creative and innovative outfits as well as bunch of grotesque looking youngsters pretending they know a thing or two about fashion. And this is all ok because fashion is for everyone who wants to express their personal style. I absolutely love watching crowds of fashionistas queuing to get a glimpse of what is usually reserved for industry insiders-designer trade shows with all the major fashion editors from around the globe and luxury buyers accompanied by celebrities looking for the inspiration for their next red carpet outing. Those priceless invitations are reserved for  fashion professionals and opinion makers, but if you are clever you can apply for your ticket as a blogger( you have to prove your stats before you get an approval) or queue before the show hoping there are some free spaces left (designers don't like having empty seats at the show-just doesn't look good) there is a third option actually...if you work in PR (like I do) and you are sponsoring the show you can experience both backstage and the actual show without extra hassle! That is one of the reasons why I LOVE my job-not sure if I mentioned it before but I really do! Of course as I was there t work I couldn't and shouldn't go over the top with the outfit so I opted for safe and always classy little black dress with a bit of an edge-at the end of the day it is Fashion Week:-)

I am wearing French Connection dress Topshop sunglasses Dorothy Perkins heels No brand bag

Monday, 15 September 2014


You know the feeling when you know that you are not allowed to go to any more trips this year (although you really really want to pop out somewhere)  because you have used the capacity of your purse to the maximum and suddenly your friend calls you to tell that she is going to Brussels and she needs a company for the weekend trip:-)  I jumped right up and of course I was on board. I have never been to Brussels so it was another city to tick on my European Travel list-one of many of my lists:-) we were very lucky with the weather so I could still enjoy bare legs situation while sightseeing this beautiful city! I must say I expected something different...not sure what exactly but European Union capital definitely doesn't feel like it is what it is! Very friendly inhabitants, narrow charming streets and the city centre that you can walk around in a day makes it feel like a small beautiful touristic town that I would love to live in. For a long day of sightseeing comfy Office jazz shoes combined with 3/4 handmade cornflower-colour skirt and nautical M&S top and Zara jacket for the chilly evening worked perfectly! The report from my day two wardrobe on the blog very soon! In the meantime I would love to see your travel wardrobe inspirations.

Znacie to uczucie, kiedy doskonale wiecie, że nie możecie sobie pozwolic na więcej podróży w tym roku (chociaz was skreca zeby jeszcze gdzies wyskoczyc), ponieważ użyłyscie zdolnośc kredytowa swojej portmanetki do maksimum i nagle dzwoni Wasza przyjaciólka aby powiedzieć, że wybiera sie do Brukseli i potrzebuje towarzystwa na weekendowa wycieczke:-) Az poskoczylam z radosci i oczywiscie juz bylam na pokladzie. Nigdy wczesniej nie byłam w Brukseli, więc to było kolejne miasto dotikniecia” na mojej europejskiej liscie podróży- jednej z wielu moich list:-) Mialyśmy szczęście z pogodą, więc nadal moglysmy nacieszyć sie sytuacja „gołe nogi” podczas zwiedzania tego pięknego miasta! Muszę powiedzieć, że spodziewałam się czegoś innego ... nie wiem, czego dokładnie, ale na pewno stolica Unii Europejskiej, nie kojarzy sie z tym, czym jest! Bardzo sympatyczni mieszkańcy, wąskie urokliwe uliczki i centrum miasta, ktore można obejsc pieszo w ciągu jednego dnia sprawily, że ​​poczulam się jak w małej pięknej turystycznej miejscowości, w ktorej chciałbym zamieszkac. Na długi dzien zwiedzania wygodne buty jazzowki w połączeniu z ręcznie szyta chabrowa spódnica 3/4 ,  marynarskim topem z M & S i  marynarka z Zary na chłodny wieczor pasowaly idealnie!Raport z drugiego dnia mojej wycieczki i stylowka już wkrótce! W międzyczasie chciałbym zobaczyć Wasze inspiracje na weekendowe wypady.

Foto Kamila
I am wearing M&S top handmade skirt,bracelets and the leather bag Office jazz shoes

Friday, 5 September 2014


Temperatures dropping down, less and less sun and kids walking down the street in their school uniforms can only mean one thing…the summer is officially over! Lack of sun really makes me grumpy, and I wish I had a power either to control the weather or to teleport myself to sunnier places (how cool that would be!) But because my wish must remain just a wish (at least for now) I had to come up with another solution to keep up with the weather and stay positive even if the aura is slightly depressing. And as I was about to go for a therapeutic shopping trip (always works wonders for me!) the sun came out again, making me race like crazy to the park with a massive grin on my face to make the most of those last few warm days. Obviously I couldn’t wear anything else than a ultra girly dress (girl next door style), colourful  high heels and of course bare legs! My dear summer…see you next year :-)

Spadajaca temperatura coraz mniej słońca i dzieci idące ulicą w swoich szkolnych mundurkach moga oznaczać tylko jedno ...lato oficjalnie sie skonczylo! Brak słońca naprawdę wprawia mnie w zły humor, i żałuję, że nie mam mocy aby kontrolować pogodę lub teleportować się do słonecznych miejsc (ale byloby  fajnie!), Ale poniewaz moje życzenie musi pozostać tylko życzeniem (przynajmniej na razie) musiałam wymyślić inne rozwiązanie, aby ubrac się zgodnie z pogodą i pozostac pozytywna, nawet jeśli aura jest nieco przygnębiające. Bylam juz gotowa aby iść na terapeutyczne zakupy (zawsze działaja cuda dla mnie!) słońce znowu zaswiecilo! Wiec jak szalona pognalam do parku z wielkim usmiechem na twarzy, aby wykorzystac jak najlepiej tych kilka ostatnich cieplych dni. Oczywiście nie mogłam zalozyć niczego innego niż bardzo dziewczęca sukienke ( styl Girl Next Door), kolorowe szpilki i oczywiście gołe nogi! Moje kochane lato...do zobaczenia w przyszlym roku :-)

Foto Michal
I am wearing handmade vintage dress and earrings  Topshop socks and sunnies  BCB Generation heels  Asos hairband