Tuesday, 29 April 2014


Personal blog is a great place to capture the moment, a special experiences happening in our ordinary lives. Every single post I write reminds me how blessed I am to be where I am right now. So when the sun is out again , I throw on one of my favourite orange plated maxi skirts, John Lennon tee with golden sparkly flats and explore the local area enjoying this moment. The meadows are getting greener and greener and loads of flowers are already blossoming. The world is getting back to live, and so am I! Every spring is the new beginning, it is a good time to start something new, something exciting whether it is a new business idea, blog, yoga classes, relationship or anything that you feel you need in your life! Universe is listening, so turn the whispers of your imagination into the reality. We owe it to ourselves:-)

Prywatny blog jest doskonałym miejscem, aby uchwycić moment, wyjątkowe doświadczenia, które dzieją się w naszym codziennym życiu. Każdy wpis  przypomina mi, jaką jestem szczęściarą jestem będąc tu, gdzie jestem teraz. Tak więc, gdy słońce  znowu zaświeciło, wrzucam na siebie jedną z moich ulubionych spódnic-  pomarańczową plisowaną maxi, John Lennon t-shirt i złote błyszczące dreptaczki i zwiedzam lokalną okolicę ciesząc się chwilą. Łąki są coraz bardziej zielone i mnóstwo kwiatów już kwitnie.Świat powraca do życia, a z nim również i ja! Każda wiosna jest nowym początkiem, i jest to idealny czas, aby zacząć coś nowego, ekscytującego; czy jest to nowy pomysł na biznes, blog, zajęcia jogi, flirt czy coś, co czujesz, że jest potrzebne w Twoim życiu! Wszechświat słucha uważnie, więc miej odwagę zamienić podszepty wyobraźni w rzeczywistość. Jesteśmy to sobie winne :-)
Foto Michal
I am wearing Orsay skirt Vintage tee, Vintage jacket, Topshop flats

Saturday, 26 April 2014


I guess the universe decided that we’ve had enough sunshine in London, and the sky is moody again. So clashing prints are my form of a protest :-) Designers claim that you have to be brave enough to wear contrasting outfits, the crazier, the better. This look might not be the most avant-garde but this is just the beginning-fashion and I against the weather! Come on sunshine, I am awaiting your soon comeback!

Myślę, że wszechświat postanowił, że nie mieliśmy wystarczająco dużo słońca w Londynie, I  niebo jest znowu naburmuszone. Więc starcia wzorów są moja forma protestu :-) Projektanci twierdzą, że trzeba być odważnym, aby nosić kontrastujące stroje, im bardziej szalone, tym lepiej. Ten look może nie należy do najbardziej awangardowych, ale dopiero się rozkręcam, moda i ja przeciwko pogodzie! Przybywaj słońce, oczekuje Twojego rychłego powrotu!
Foto Michal
I am wearing M&S Trench Monki Trousers Zara Top Office Shoes Ray Ban Sunglasses Primark Bag

Thursday, 24 April 2014


I am back after a little bit longer break. I am sorry I left you for so long, but this Easter I decided to spend time with my parents who came to visit me in London! I remeber when I was a teenager spending time with your parents seemed like the worst plan to spend your free time, but now...well priorities change! However cliche it may sound, sometimes being far away from your loved ones makes you realise how important it is to cultivate those relationships. Whether they are your parents siblings or your other halfs, these people really care for you and they will always be there no matter what! So I decided to take a break from all the assignments and completely devote my time to my parents who visited me for Easter! I may sound old fashioned or childish if you wish but at the end of the day they always support me and motivate to carry on when I want to give up! Family is one of the most if not the most important value in our lives-success comes from the right work -life balance so if there is nobody to share our success with...what is it worth?

Wracam po trochę dłuższej przerwie . Przykro mi, że zostawiłam Was na tak długo , ale Wielkanoc postanowiłam spędzić z rodzicami , którzy przyjechali odwiedzić mnie w Londynie ! Pamiętam , kiedy byłam nastolatką , spędzanie czasu z rodziną wydawało się najgorszym planem na wolny czas , ale teraz ... cóż priorytety  się zmieniają ! Jakkolwiek banalnie to zabrzmi, czasami bycie z dala od swoich bliskich, sprawia, że ​​zdajemy sobie sprawę jak ważna jest  kultywowanie tych relacji . Czy  jest to rodzeństwo, rodzice czy nasze drugie połówki , tym ludziom naprawdę na Nas zależy i zawsze dla nas będą choćby nie wiem co ! Więc postanowiłam zrobić sobie przerwę od wszystkich zadań i całkowicie poświęcić mój czas moim rodzicom ! I choć może wydawać  się to staromodne i dziecinne , na koniec dnia  to oni zawsze będą mnie wspierać i motywować do działania , kiedy przyjdzie czas zwątpienia! Rodzina jest jedną z najważniejszych , jeśli nie najważniejszą wartością w naszym życiu – a sukces rodzi się z właściwej równowagi - praca - życie , więc jeśli nie ma się z kim podzielić naszym sukcesem  ... cóż  to jest wszystko warte?
 Foto Michal
Wearing Warehouse dress Kurt Geiger Boots Marks&Spencer trench Vintage bag Phase Eight Necklace

Saturday, 12 April 2014


Sharon was dreaming about starting her own jewellery business and guess what..she made it happen and she achieved the success! I have decided to find out a little bit more about her journey and what helped her to make her dream come true.
Tell me a little bit about your background… How was your journey to starting Geminera?
Starting my own jewellery brand has been something that I have always dreamed of doing. I have a real passion for beautiful jewellery and always have done, which is why I was so excited to start Geminera.
Where do you look for inspiration when you start buying a new collection?
I always keep a close eye on the catwalk, matched with what my market and customer are interested in. I regularly look through online magazines and blogs which I feel are relevant to who I’m trying to access in this industry.
What's the most rewarding aspect of your job?
I love hearing positive feedback from the pieces that I buy. I hand pick each stone so it’s important to me to know that  is appreciated and the pieces are enjoyed.

What has been your biggest challenge and success so far?
Quite simply, the biggest challenge has been to take that leap of faith to start this business, and the biggest success I have had so far, has been the launch 
Where do you find strength and motivation to overcome any obstacles that you come across? 
Starting my own jewellery business is something that I have always had ambition to do. Motivation comes from knowing that you can learn from your mistakes and move forward with a positive attitude.
What success means to you?
Happiness. If I’m  happy, I consider myself successful

What is your creative process like?
I take inspiration from those that I admire, trust and look up to. When I’m on my buying trips through India, it’s difficult not to be creative and inspired by one of the most beautiful and inspirational countries in the world.
What does a typical day look like for you?
It’s usually out of bed by 6.30am, breakfast comprises of lots of tea! I check my emails and print off orders which have come through overnight; I then ensure the item/s are checked and packaged in one of our beautiful wooden lacquered boxes, the posted out to the buyer.
As India are about 5 ½ hours behind the UK, I need to discuss any new ideas/queries as early in the morning as possible. I try to end the day at 5.30pm to allow me to spend time with loved ones, relax and have fun!
Which other jewellery designers have inspired you?
I own pieces from all sides of the jewellery industry spectrum. By that I mean I am lucky enough to own a piece from Cartier, however I also love brands such as Mawi, Monirca Vinader and Alex Monroe

Who would you say your collection is designed for?
I couldn’t necessarily pin point a specific type of woman (or man!) however I would like to feel that the pieces are bought by people who like to feel unique, special and comfortable with who they are. My pieces are not for mass market, they’re one of a kind as is my customer.
If you could only wear one piece of jewellery for the rest of your life, what would it be?
My engagement ring
What is your most cherished wardrobe staple?
I have the most wonderful little black dress from Marni which has been in my wardrobe longer than I can remember. As they say, every woman should have the perfect LBD!
What are your hopes for the future and for the Geminera brand?
The biggest plan I have for Geminera in 2014 is to expand the collections exponentially. I dipped my toe in the water of buying the pieces in 2013, and the reaction to the brand has been so wonderful that it has given me the confidence to believe in what my customers like. I’ll also be looking at stocking independent jewellery designers from the UK which will be very exciting.

What piece of advice would you give to aspiring designers/what is your recipe of success?

The biggest advice I could give to aspiring entrepreneurs/designers/buyers, is to have the confidence that you can launch a successful business. It takes a lot to break off and take the step, but you have to have faith in yourself first and foremost. You might surprise yourself

Wednesday, 9 April 2014


 This weekend I went for a girly trip to Helsinki and Tallinn, and that means champagne, gossip and good food in the best company ever! As you can imagine the weather in Nordic countries doesn’t spoil, so the warm and comfy clothes were a must! Of course a touch of vibrant hues was necessary to warm up the aura, and to my surprise it was a perfect match to the architecture of both cities! A true festival of colours :-) Plus this season fashion went tangerine-tastic-and orange is frankly everywhere. So here is my casual-chic for not-so -warm weekends away!

W ten weekend pojechałam na babski wypad do Helsinek i Tallina, a to oznacza jedno- szampan, plotki i dobre jedzenie w doborowym towarzystwie! Jak możecie sobie wyobrazić, pogoda w krajach skandynawskich nie rozpieszcza, więc ciepłe i wygodne ubrania są koniecznością! Oczywiście dotyk  wibrujących odcieni był konieczny do ogrzania aury, i ku mojemu zdziwieniu było to idealne połączenie z architekturą obu miast!Prawdziwy festiwal kolorów :-) Plus w tym sezonie w modzie panuje mandarynkowe szaleństwo i pomarańczowy jest w zasadzie wszędzie. Więc tutaj jest mój nieformalny szyk na nie tak ciepłe wypady weekendowe!
Foto Kasia
Coat Atmosphere Jumper Abercrombie & Fitch Top River Island Jeans Gap Yellow Trousers Bershka Shoes Kurt Geiger Necklace Phase Eight Bracelet Pandora